When you visit ALPS you find yourself right at the “entrance” to Bern’s museum district: Museumsquartier Bern. This is where you’ll find eleven cultural and educational venues that have transformed the city’s Kirchenfeld area into a lively and exciting neighbourhood that abounds in culture. For example, just a few metres from ALPS you can quench your thirst for museums by visiting five more major institutions: Bernisches Historisches Museum, Kunsthalle Bern, the Museum of Communication, Natural History Museum Bern, and the Swiss Shooting Museum.
Discovering the new together
But Museumsquartier Bern has a lot more to offer than its proximity to other cultural institutions. The objective is to create something entirely new and unknown by drawing upon the great concentration of ideas and skill available here. One example of this is the Culture Hackathon: held for the first time in 2024, this “marathon” with a festival atmosphere involves teams coming up with innovative solutions for new types of cultural projects.
Public museum garden
The newly created public museum garden located between Bernisches Historisches Museum and the Museum of Communication is becoming increasingly popular with more and more outdoor picknickers, boule players, flâneurs, and playground heroes. Just take a look around! A number of participatory projects encourage you to help the garden become an open, natural, and socially diverse space. A large summer festival takes place here every year at the end of August.
Currently in planning: the members of Museumsquartier Bern are working on simplifying access to their museums by sharing communications, services, and facilities.